Estão preparados para uma overload de conteúdo sobre Paris? Espero que sim, porque tenho imensas coisas para vos mostrar. Estive por lá na semana passada e, claro, tive de levar a minha câmara analógica comigo. O resultado é este. Espero que gostem das fotos. Eu adorei o resultado.

Are you ready for an overload of content about Paris? I hope so because I have lots of things to share with you. I was there last week and, of course, I had to bring my analogue camera with me. This is the final result. I hope you like the photos. I really love them.

Paris, March 2023

1 comment

  1. You are so very beautiful when you are sitting on a bench in the park and reading... It is impossible to take my attention away from you, beautiful, elegant lady.



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