Os ginásios ainda não estão abertos, por isso, tenho a certeza que muitos de vocês continuam a fazer exercício físico por casa. Já sabem que eu não sei muito sobre o assunto, por isso hoje temos mais um post relacionado com exercício físico com o António. Espero que gostem.
The gyms are still closed, so I'm sure a lot of you are still doing exercise at home. You already know that I'm don't know much about it, so today we have another exercise-related post with António. I hope you like it.
Hoje partilho um top 10 de exercícios body weight que podem ter uma influência enorme no teu lower body.
If you desire to make some progress on your lower body, on your strength and build some muscle is mandatory to perform and dedicate some time doing strength exercises. With consistency, dedication and with a clear and progressive training program. Doing random exercises, jumping from one workout to another, and trying all the possible fitness classes will, most likely, not lead you any kind of progress. The goal is to have key exercises that you can do on a regular basis, for a period of 4-6 weeks, and phase by phase progressing the volume, intensity and the variation from the exercise.
I'm sharing with you today a top 10 body weight exercises that can have a huge influence on your lower body performance.
1. Hip Thrusts
2. Frog Pumps
3. Deadlift
4. Squat
5. Reverse Lunge
6. Rear Foot Split Squad
7. Side Lying Hip Raises
8. Side Lying Hip Abduction
9. Super Man
10. Mini Band Walk
Note: the number of rep and sets per exercise will change according to each person needs and program goal/phase.
Sigam o António no Youtube para mais vídeos e vejam os seus planos de treino AQUI.
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