Instagram. Uma rede social com que muitos têm uma relação de amor-ódio. Consigo perceber porquê, mas sempre foi uma rede social que gostei muito. Gosto muito de fotografia e adoro todo o lado visual da app. Adoro criar conteúdo e é apenas mais um sítio onde também o posso partilhar. É, realmente, algo que gosto muito de fazer e que me dá muito prazer. No entanto, chega uma altura em que começamos a encarar o Instagram e toda a partilha de conteúdo como um trabalho. Não que seja uma obrigação, mas faço o meu melhor para publicar uma fotografia todos os dias. Claro que o faço porque gosto, mas também sei que é isso que os meus seguidores querem ver. Sei que se estiver algum tempo sem publicar, eventualmente, irei perder seguidores. É uma linha ténue entre o prazer e a obrigação, mas penso que qualquer instagrammer se consegue rever nisto. Quando é que deixa de ser apenas algo que fazemos como hobby e passa a ser parte do nosso trabalho? Para mim será ser um mix, porque apesar de gostar muito de partilhar fotografias diariamente, também há alturas em que simplesmente desligo, mesmo que isso implique perder seguidores (porque os que realmente gostam do nosso trabalho, irão continuar a acompanhá-lo).
Instagram. A lot of people have a love-hate relationship with this social media app. I can understand why, but, to me, it was always an app that I really liked. I like photography and really like the visual side of the app. I love creating content, and it's just another place where I can share it. It really is something that brings me a lot of pleasure. However, it comes a time when we start looking at Instagram as a job. I don't do it because I have to, it's not an obligation for me, but I do my best to share a photo every day. Obviously, I do it because I like it, but I also know that that's what my followers want to see. I know that f I don't post for a few days, eventually, I will lose some followers. It's a fine line between pleasure and obligation, but I think any Instagrammer can relate to this. When does it stop being a hobby, and it turns into a part of your job? To me, it will always be a mix, because, even though I love sharing photos daily, there are also other times that I just shut off, even if that means losing followers (the ones who really like our job, will keep following us anyway).
Instagram. A lot of people have a love-hate relationship with this social media app. I can understand why, but, to me, it was always an app that I really liked. I like photography and really like the visual side of the app. I love creating content, and it's just another place where I can share it. It really is something that brings me a lot of pleasure. However, it comes a time when we start looking at Instagram as a job. I don't do it because I have to, it's not an obligation for me, but I do my best to share a photo every day. Obviously, I do it because I like it, but I also know that that's what my followers want to see. I know that f I don't post for a few days, eventually, I will lose some followers. It's a fine line between pleasure and obligation, but I think any Instagrammer can relate to this. When does it stop being a hobby, and it turns into a part of your job? To me, it will always be a mix, because, even though I love sharing photos daily, there are also other times that I just shut off, even if that means losing followers (the ones who really like our job, will keep following us anyway).
blazer H&M | cardigan and bag VINTAGE | trousers MANGO | sneakers CONVERSE
photos by LILIANA
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