sweater ZAFUL | shirt SRADIVARIUS | skirt PRIMARK | boots BERSHKA | bag ZARA

E aqui estou eu outra vez a usar uma saia. Nunca fui fã de saias, além de não gostar muito de usar collants no Inverno (mas estas são super giras, certo?), sempre preferi os looks mais masculinos e se há uma coisa que as saias não são é masculinas. Mas este ano acho que isso tem vindo a mudar, usei imensas saias no Verão (quem se lembra de todas as minhas saias de ganga?) e agora ando mesmo a gostar de descobrir novas formas de as usar no Inverno. E não, não precisas de estar super feminina enquanto usas uma saia, só tens de brincar com os acessórios, talvez uma botas bem chunky ou então combina a saia com uma peça super oversized. Portanto sim, mais looks com saias estão a caminho, mas o que acham deste? Eu adoro a minha saia leopardo! Espero que gostem e tenham um bom dia!

So, here I am wearing a skirt again. I was never a fan of skirts, besides during Winter not really liking to wear tights (but these are really cute, right?), I guess I always preferred a more masculine look and if there's one thing that skirts are not is masculine. But during this year I think that really changed, I wore a lot of skirts during Summer (do you remember all my denim skirts?) and now I'm really enjoying finding new ways to wear them on Winter. You don't have to look super feminine while wearing a skirt, it's all about the balance, you can play with the accessories like some combat boots or you can wear something a bit more oversized with the skirt. So yeah, more looks with skirts are on the way, but what do you think about this one? Actually I'm in love with this leopard skirt! I hope you like it and have a great day!

photos by LILIANA

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