Regent Street
 Happy me!
 Loved this postcards with this quotes
 London details
 Carnaby Street
 Spring in London
 The buildings are all so beautiful
 London Bridge
 Around London
 St Paul's Cathedral
 London underground, I just had to take a photo of the famous sign
 Cappuccino break at Starbucks
 Picadilly Circus
 Walking to Tower Bridge
Liberty Flowers

E finalmente aqui estão as tão esperadas fotos de Londres, os próximos dias vão ser totalmente dedicados a estes dias que lá passei. Começamos claro pelo primeiro dia na cidade. Acho que apesar de estarmos cansadas da viagem, foi o dia em que mais andamos. Fomos da Tower Bridge (que era muito perto da nossa casa) até Picadilly Circus. Podem ver todos os sítios pelos quais passámos nas fotos. Espero mesmo que gostem das fotos, amanhã mostro-vos o outfit que usei neste dia. Stay tuned!

And finally here are the first photos from London, the next couple of days are going to be totally dedicated to the days I spent there. We're obviously starting with the first day in the city. Besides being very tired from the trip, I think it was the day that we walked the most. We went from Tower Bridge (that was really close to our house) to Picadilly Circus. You can see a lot of the places we went by on the photos. I really hope you like the photos, tomorrow I'll show you the outfit I wore on this day. Stay tuned!


  1. tão giro! adoro Londres! aproveita!

    Moi by Inês

  2. adoro londres, dá tanta vontade de lá voltar!


  3. Que fotos maravilhosas!

  4. As fotografias estão lindas! Estou ansiosa para ver mais posts de Londres!

    Beijinho, lookingfor-more



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