Continuo sem poder fotografar, mas hoje já parece que melhorou, ainda vou ver se consigo fotografar hoje à tarde. Entretanto ficam com estas fotos que na altura não vos cheguei a mostrar. São fotografias do backstage do Portugal Fashion. Uma experiência fantástica! É aqui que tudo antes do desfile acontece. Espero que gostem e tenham um bom dia!
I still can't shoot outside, but I think it's getting better so I will try this afternoon. Meanwhile here are some photos that I didn't show you at the time. This photos are from the backstage of Portugal Fashion Week. An amazing experience! Everything before the show happens here. Hope you like it and wish you a great day!
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From fashion week coverage and the best dressed stars on the red carpet, to what's chic on the streets and trends to watch out for this season, the ELLE editors ... read this article