Basta o tempo aquecer um pouco que a vontade de fazer mil e uma coisas é logo outra e foi isso mesmo que aconteceu na semana passada, por isso achei que era boa ideia fazer uma recap da minha semana aqui no blog com fotografias que fui tirando com o telemóvel (algumas partilhei nas Stories, outras não). Espero que gostem do post e que até descubram novos sítios no Porto.

As soon as the weather gets a little bit warmer, I just feel like doing a million different things. It was exactly what happened last week, so I thought it would be a good idea to do a little recap of my week here on the blog with some photos I took with my phone (some I shared over on Stories, some I didn't). I hope you like the post,and hopefully you can even find new places in Porto.

Shot some photos during my lunch break
The lunch spot, Lareira, one of my favourites
 A little cheese board and wine before lunch
Inside Galerias Lumiére, where I shot the photos
And a little shameless selfie
One of my favourite night plans: watch Youtube, here watching Lizzy Hadfield's newest video
Another day, another outfit
And some drinks at Xau Laura before going home to cook dinner
Tried the newest pizza in town one day for lunch, Generosa
A little workout session
My go-to outfit when I don't know what to wear
Strolls around town in a sunny day
Went to Tubiket to buy the new Lana Del Rey album
And ended up buying two more records
Around town on my way to Aquela Kombucha´s event
They had these amazing floral cocktails
Look how pretty this table was
Started reading this book
Eating Bolo do Caco before Sunday lunch
Went to Maria Dentada at Jardim Botânico for some drinks
The garden is really gorgeous, I love it there

1 comment

  1. A suit and black boots are a classic of elegance.



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