Always wearing a blazer when it gets colder
Busy city streets
A 'from where I stand' shot on an analog camera, actually really like the result
Around the city looking for a place to shoot
Li looking pretty cool with her super ripped jeans
Waiting for coffee (not realy, I only sat there to take this photo XD)
Porto has the prettiest buildings, don't you think?
Torre dos Clérgios making an appearance
You can also find some colorful houses
Wearing a red blazer, just to cheer up the horrendous weather
One of the few days we had a bit of Sun
Passado algum tempo, aqui está mais um 'week on film'. Sabem que estas coisas demoram o seu tempo. Comprar o filme, usá-lo e depois revelar, mas vou fazer o meu melhor para estes posts serem semanais. O tempo também não tem ajudado nada, estamos quase no Verão e a chuva não pára, mas parece que para a próxima semana já vai melhorar o que me dá logo mais ânimo para fotografar. Vocês gostam deste tipo de posts? Digam-me tudo, já sabem que a vossa opinião é super importante! Eu adoro prepará-los para vocês. Bem, espero que gostem das fotos e tenham um bom Domingo!
After a while here is another 'week on film'. You know this kind of stuff takes some time. Buying the film, use it and then develop it, but I will do my best to make this posts a weekly thing. Also the weather hasn't been great which doesn't help with anything, we're almost on Summer and the rain doesn't stop, but it looks like next week is getting better which gets me way more excited to shoot. Do you like this kind of posts? Tell me everything, you know your opinion is really important to me! I really love getting this posts together for you. Well, I hope you like the photos and wish you an amazing Sunday!
1 comment
Belas fotos - o Porto rende sempre imagens tão bonita, e tu ficas sempre bem, mulher!