So happy with this sunny days, it almost feels like Spring
Trying some sunnies while we were waiting for our food
And we had some salad for lunch, actually really healthy
So many magazines, ended up buying Vogue Portugal (really liking their new direction)
One outfit I shot this week, really in love with my new leopard pants
Again, a very healthy lunch at Noshi
Found a new restaurant this week, it's called IIPizzaiolo and it's actually an italian restaurant, the pizza was amazing
Super comfy outfit, it's so warm outside that I didn't need a jacket
Downtown <3
A red old phone, how cute is it?
Beautiful streets
E as minhas 'week on film' estão de volta! Na semana passada não houve, porque tinha imensas fotos de Itália para vos mostrar, mas agora estão de volta. Não imaginam o quanto tenho adorado estes dias de Sol que já parecem mesmo Primavera, parece que ganhamos logo outro ânimo, pelo menos falo por mim. Nada me deixa mais feliz que acordar de manhã, abrir a janela e ver que está um lindo de Sol. E entretanto, esta semana já marquei a minha próxima viagem para este ano, por isso só coisas boas a acontecer! Espero que gostem das fotos e tenham um bom dia!
And my 'week on film' is back! Last week we didn't have it, because I had loads of photos from Italy to show you, but now it's back. You can't imagine how much I'm loving this sunny days that really feel like Spring, it feels like you get so much more happier, at least it happens with me. Nothing makes me happier than waking up in the morning, open my window and realize it's beautiful sunny day outside. And meanwhile, this week I already booked my next trip this year, so only good things happening! I hope you like the photos and have a great day!
I need to get a film camera asap - you are inspirnig me!
Adoro esta rubrica, as fotos estão lindas!